
Home > Donate
The temple trust has been working hard for many years for the infrstructure development of the temple premisis.

Why Donate?

Shri Dedaramji Vanshaj Pranyaas and Sachet Advisory Services have been working together to bring Kodamdesar temple to catch the eyes of people around the world. The temple trust has been working hard for many years for the infrstructure development of the temple premisis.

If more people raise and join their hands together for the development of the temple then this place might get the height of.. To make this happen please donate to the temple trust and every single rupee will be used for the development of your Kodamdesar Temple.

How to Donate

Currently we DO NOT accept donations online. But we are in process to integrate a system to bring this facility soon. So kindly send your cheques and demand draft in the favor of:

Shri Dedaram Ji Vanshaj Sarvajanik Pranyaas,
Kodamdesar Bhairuji Temple Trust,
Village - Kodamdesar,
Dist. Bikaner (Raj).